Friday 21 June 2013


This class is OVER. I feel so relieved and yet SO stressed out. The final was waaay too chaotic and there was too much to do. I am more stressed out for this final more than any other final .. Anyways, this class was fun when it came to photoshop and learning new applications on the computer. The work load was overly abundant, even in the final. I cannot get over that, this is the first time I have ever left a final without being finished.. I feel like I failed, even though I worked as much and as fast as I could. The low marks are gonna be flowing in. I dont really have anything else to say but that. Im sorry for the poor review but seriously.
I enjoy these computer classes but ones that I can finish at the end. I enjoyed using photoshop and using my talent.

Friday 14 June 2013



Blog 17!

Well, unless we have to blog next week before of during our final, this is the last blog ...
This week we worked on our book, our flash book. I think im getting the hang of flash but I'll never have to use it again. Typical, anyways, my book is looking good and sorta working good. My buttons and page change do not want to work properly, but thats all right. Hopefully I will not lose marks for that.  I chose to count food. Fruit to be exact.
Well, we had a mass on Thursday and I got my RealCare Baby3 On thursday after the mass and I still have it today. How FUN. Not really, it let me sleep through the night, thank goodness.. but it was unbelievably fussy before that. Today, so far, it has been good but that could change. Oh well, babies are babies.

I dont know what else to blog about .... Other than im nearly done grade 12.. done with this class and this school. Im gonna miss this school, a lot. It has helped me grow as a person and face my fears.

Friday 7 June 2013

Blog 16!

Anyways, grad was fab-u-lous. Thats right. Pulled up in a semi and OWNED it. Best entrance I must say myself. Mrs. Paez said in 26 years she's never seem a semi. :) Im proud of myself. I feel like  I made history.
Anyway, Monday I was not here, for various reasons.  Tuesday we worked on out flash assignments and I finished it, Wednesday I just added on the music and WALLAH. Finished. A horrible piece of animation put together because I am not animation/flash talented. Once again, I love photoshop. I am skilled in photoshop.
Thursday I started adding more into my Eportfolio. Wooooooo... Eportfolios. Ha!
I added in some videos and some typed information about extremely detailed descriptions of my intensely described descriptive videos. What?
Monday we are apparently starting a book. A childrens book. Hopefully I remember to count to 10.. I don't wanna teach a kid how to count wrong.
1 bison
2 cows
3 horses
4 dogs
5 cats
6 sheep
7 chickens
8 donkeys
9 pigs
10 goat

sure. sure. sure. sure. sure. sure. sure. sure. sure. sure.

I dont know. Maybe I'll do fruit.

1 watermelon
2 cherries
3 blueberries
4 apples
5 kiwis
6 strawberries
7 bananas
8 pineapples
9 raspberries
10 pears


Friday 31 May 2013

Blog 15!

WOW! it is week 15! This week has been an .. interesting one. Monday I decided to faint in Ethics and made a scene. Tuesday I spent all day at a doctors getting examined because i have not fainted before. Wednesday and Thursday I finished my animation and now I have to add in music to it. Animation is not my thing but I got 'r done! I sure did. Anyways, Friday morning, today, I got blood taken. YAY.. no.. but so far I am alright. Today a lady came and judged our birthright videos. GRAD IS TOMORROW :'( I dont know what to do with myself. Yesterday I was just in preschool .. oh they grow up so fast! 

Here is a picture of my graduating class! Im the green one in the middle smiling at the camera !

Friday 24 May 2013

Week 14!

Well, this was a short week! Only by one day, but thats more than alright. My long weekend was great, I went camping up by Hudson Bay and relaxed. :)  This weekend we started our animations ... oh help me. Its not my favourite thing to do and I really dont understand how to do all of it but I shall learn again ... lol. Anyways, I've been trying to figure out what type of animation I am going to complete for my assignment, all I know is that I may not get it handed in, in time. Im slooooww moving when it comes to animation. On Tuesday I get RealCare Baby.. yay. Beware, can't wait for a crying baby.. a doll. On the bright side, I got a call from staples on thursday. I am hired :D yay. I have an orientation next thursday. YAY.

Heres a picture of a smiling turtle .. awwwe. 

Friday 17 May 2013

Blog/Week 14!

This week has seemed to last forever.. to the point that its been really irritating. The class has been annoying this week too. Anyways, this week I got my Eportfolio put together and all my links linked. I started putting assignments on my graphic design page and so far so good. Just have to add in the summaries/descriptions of each one. Also, I finished a BirthRight audio assignment .. then found out I did the wrong one... so I re did another one and handed it in. On Wednesday we had a presenter stop by. He did not have anything planned out but he did well. He talked about making videos and life in the industry and it was informational, mostly for Spencer though. I didnt have any questions to ask. Even about photographing. I did find out though, that a local photographer in Regina is willing to take me on for some experience over the summer. That should be enjoyable. :)